July 26, 2018. Our program featured the official visit from District Governor Cindy Hornaman. She noted the bond shared by Easton Rotarians that helps make our Club so special. People join Rotary to “give back” but it would hardly be worthwhile without the fun and friendship. New Rotary International President Barry Rassin has challenged us to Be The Inspiration in our Clubs and our communities. Rotary is doing quite well in India and Southeast Asia but struggling in North America. We need to rejuvenate our Clubs. The best way to create new life in Rotary is through action.
Easton Rotary has already started down this road as we attempt to schedule at least one activity each month. Last week’s watermelon project was a great example. This strategy has proven to be effective in the two new Clubs formed in our District. ROMEO Clubs (Rich Old Men Eating Out) will gradually disappear. That’s alright. It serves as an opportunity to start fresh new Clubs. Sharing a geographical area with another Club often makes both Clubs stronger. A demographic analysis of our District indicated possible areas for expansion. One of these areas is Forks Township. There is a possibility that Easton Rotary may be able to expand into Forks with a Satellite Club.
Cindy encourages Clubs to do something simple, yet special. District-level support for the Rotary Foundation has been strong which yields lots of money available for matching grants. The tradition of celebrating the Rotary year with a District Conference continues with this year’s event scheduled for May 3-5, 2019 at the Renaissance Hotel and Symphony Hall in Allentown. Weekend and single -day options are available. The main theme this year is hunger and several events are planned that will benefit local food banks.