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Club Assembly with President Lynn

Our meeting featured a Club Assembly, led by President Lynn Schoof, that did the SWOT analysis required for strategic planning.

Strengths: Members help each other. The Club tries to be flexible in scheduling so more people can participate in meetings. The Club is becoming more diverse. We have a significant positive impact on our community. Rotary itself is a great organization and does great work. There are international possibilities. We have seen a growth in membership. We have a welcoming Club. We have a strong history of traditions but are not afraid to take on something new. We have a strong and healthy Foundation.

Weaknesses: We should learn more about community needs. Fundraising is weak. Our exposure could be better. We are an aging Club. Committee structures are weak or non-existent. Attendance is spotty at times. We don’t market ourselves well.

Opportunities: Partner with the Easton Business Association and the Chamber of Commerce. Marketing ourselves. Educating our membership about rotary. Youth Exchange. Fundraising focus groups.

Threats: Society doesn’t value service. Economics. Young people may find membership to be too expensive. People want to know “what is in it for me?”

Summary: This was a very positive analysis. We have a great many strengths. Our weaknesses are by no means unique to Easton Rotary. They are shared by the majority of service clubs throughout North America. Ultimately, we are in Rotary because it gives us the mechanism and the opportunity to give. Every second of every day, somebody in the world is having a better time in their life thanks to Rotary. Through Rotary we have the power to accomplish amazing things.


Weekly Meeting

First Thursday: 5:30 PM

Location: Varies each month

Other Thursdays: 12:00 Noon
Please check the schedule above for the location.

It will either be on Zoom or in person at

The Pomfret Club
33 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042

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