March 29, 2018. Our program featured District Governor Nominee Herb Klotz. Most of us remember Herb from his tales of Engineers Without Borders as they worked to restore the Centennial School in Sierra Leone. Herb reports that the number of students there has increased from 1100 to 1700 and the school is now over-filled. Seniors from our local Parkland High School are raising funds to help out their “Sister School”.
Herb’s Rotary passion is membership. Easton Rotary has a strong history of member retention. Factors that enable this include fellowship, devotion, and the fact that we actually enjoy each other’s company. One way to improve overall Rotary membership is through extension. District 7430 is currently looking at Forks Township as a potential site for a new Club. This could start out as a satellite Club for Easton Rotary. They would only meet two times per month. Dues structure would reflect the limited meeting schedule. The Club’s satellite status could eventually be upgraded to full Club status if enough members join. District 7430 started two new Clubs last year and both are faring well with membership around 35. These new Clubs also meet only twice per month. A District study revealed 5 things that healthy and expanding Clubs had in common:
1. A Club President dedicated to membership growth.
2. Membership recruiting events such as mixers. 3. Pro-active public image work. 4. Pro-active campaigns to engage new members.
5. Multiple meeting times - monthly happy hours for example.
A satellite Club in Forks might provide an avenue to gain and retain members by giving them a more viable avenue for attendance. We might also lose a handful of members from our regular Club meetings. Herb encouraged us to keep looking for people that have a heart for service. With more members come more ideas and, hopefully, a brighter future.