December 20, 2018. Our program featured entertainment by the Wilsonaires from Wilson Area High School. The group, under the direction of Mellissa Black, featured 18 girls and 8 boys. The group recently had the honor of performing at the Candlelight Procession at EPCOT.
Their show featured the following songs:
* Angels From the Realms of Glory
* O Holy Night
* Shout For Joy
* Joy To The World
* You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Men's group only)
* Getting Nuttin' For Christmas (Men's group only)
* The First Noel (Women's Chorale)
* Up On The House Top (Women's Chorale) Featuring updated
lyrics regarding wishes for an iPhone with lots of apps and Google Maps.
* Carol the Bells
* Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy
* It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
* Fruitcake (The group finished by telling us why a Christmas cake really should be, surely could be, yes it would be, positively, absolutely, must be made of fruit!)