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Holiday Concert by the Wilsonaires

December 20, 2018. Our program featured entertainment by the Wilsonaires from Wilson Area High School. The group, under the direction of Mellissa Black, featured 18 girls and 8 boys. The group recently had the honor of performing at the Candlelight Procession at EPCOT.

Their show featured the following songs:

* Angels From the Realms of Glory

* O Holy Night

* Shout For Joy

* Joy To The World

* You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Men's group only)

* Getting Nuttin' For Christmas (Men's group only)

* The First Noel (Women's Chorale)

* Up On The House Top (Women's Chorale) Featuring updated

lyrics regarding wishes for an iPhone with lots of apps and Google Maps.

* Carol the Bells

* Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy

* It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

* Fruitcake (The group finished by telling us why a Christmas cake really should be, surely could be, yes it would be, positively, absolutely, must be made of fruit!)


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Weekly Meeting

First Thursday: 5:30 PM

Location: Varies each month

Other Thursdays: 12:00 Noon
Please check the schedule above for the location.

It will either be on Zoom or in person at

The Pomfret Club
33 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042

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