The program featured Madeline Squarcia who serves as Coordinator of Local Foods and Environmental Initiatives for the Lehigh Valley version of Buy Fresh Buy Local. The BFBL was absorbed into the Nurture Nature Center in 2010. The Nurture Nature Center was created in response to the repeated flooding of the Delaware River in the early 2000s. Ironically, the Center had to move to its present location on Northampton Street because the original location was flooded on its opening day. The NNC began as a center for flood education and outreach, and now also provides a range of ongoing programs for the surrounding community, including science and art presentations and workshops, documentary film series, garden programming, community dialogue forums and youth activities and field trips. The third floor features an amazing Science on a Sphere® globe as well as other educational science exhibits. The building also houses several art galleries, and an urban recycle garden. NNC hosts thousands of visitors each year. The BFBL program is dedicated to increasing the economic viability of small family farms and strengthening regional food systems by expanding markets for locally produced foods. One of their major partners is the Kellyn Foundation. NNC is open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday from noon until 4:00. A calendar of special events can be found at
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