October 11, 2018. Our program featured Mark Mulligan who is the CEO of VM Development Group, LLC. Mark’s group has been responsible for many successful projects in the Easton area including the Pomeroy Building, Governor Wolf, Alpha, and the National buildings. Their latest success is the complex at the Simon Silk Mill site.
First built in 1883, as the city of Easton’s first economic development initiative, the Simon Silk Mill housed the manufacturing of textiles until the late 1960s. Acquired by the Easton Redevelopment Authority in 2006 it was studied for feasibility as a creative complex for individual artists and professionals and deemed a cultural redevelopment project. The site features 70 occupied apartments with another 80 on the way. Amongst the many businesses are OWowWow Creamery, Boser Geist Brewery, and The Wine Project.
Mark’s research into the Easton area began years ago. He learned that a Lafayette College survey indicated parents steered their children away from the school because of the condition of the town. The College and the City combined to transform Easton into a city that is perceived to be safe and clean. Mark credits this atmosphere as a big part of the reason his projects have been successful. The proactive attitude of the City has made all the difference. The revitalization of Easton is ongoing. Easton is, without doubt, a City on the rise.