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Rotary Jeopardy

January 9, 2020. Our program featured Easton Rotary Jeopardy which, purely by chance, happened to coincide with the Greatest of All Time challenge match on the real TV program. President Elect BJ emceed the game which made sense seeing as how he made up all the clues and would have had a distinct advantage had he played along. Categories included By The Numbers, Who Are They, True or False, Easton Rotary Fundraisers, and Rotpourri.

In "By The Numbers" we learned a recent study determined that Rotarians log approximately 47 million volunteer hours every year. The study, released by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies in Baltimore, USA, found that Rotary International annually mobilizes volunteer effort equivalent to nearly 27,000 full-time paid workers. What is more, this study reveals that the efforts of Rotary volunteers save communities an estimated $850 million in service costs per year.

In "Who Are They" we were lucky Jack Bennett was on hand to remember that Wesley M. Heiberger was the first President of Easton Rotary.

In "True or False we learned that a lot of accomplished people were also Rotarians including Neil Armstrong, Thomas Edison, and Luciano Pavarotti.

The "Easton Rotary Fundraisers" category brought back memories including selling hot dogs at the Forks of the Delaware Shad Tournament, dipping ice cream at the Celtic Classic, Harry Campbell and John Giardiniere selling sausage sandwiches at the Lion's Fair, and the BIG Raffle.

In "Rotpourri" we learned about Easton Rotary Field, the origin of the Service Above Self motto, and Rotary's opportunities for young people including Interact and Rotaract.

Easton Rotarians may have another chance to play Jeopardy in the future if BJ can somehow manage to think of another 30 clues.


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