November 29, 2018. Our program featured the popular Student of the Month program. Each of the award-winning Seniors will receive $200 and a permanent placement of their name on a plaque in their school. The students representing Wilson and Notre Dame will receive their awards at a later date.
September: Charlize Smith - Easton High: Charlize' volunteer work includes the ICan Bike program, Bible School, and a local 5K race. She participates in Lacrosse and is Captain of the Cross Country team. She is the Vice President of student Council and active with the Yearbook and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She plans to attend Moravian College majoring in Exercise Science.
October: Jasmine Colon - Easton and CIT: Jasmine is a High Honors student majoring in Early Childhood Education. She is a member of Skills USA and Early Tykes Learning Center. She volunteers at the local Community Center and Little Rovers. She plans to attend Northampton Community College and pursue a two-year Associates degree in early Childhood Education.