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Students of the Month

Our program featured the popular Students of the Month program. Weather-related school closings nearly derailed the meeting but we did manage to get two students in the Zoom Cafe. Program Chair Mark Haldaman introduced us to the chosen students who will each receive $200 and permanent recognition in their respective schools.

January: Nia Jenkins, Easton High - Nia is President of the NAACP Youth Council, Executive Board Vice President of the Student Council, and Cheerleading Captain. She is the recipient of the Little rock Nine Award and was a Harvard Pre-Med Summer Scholar in 2020. She is a member of the National Honor Society and KEY Club. She volunteers for the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority doing food and toy drives. She is leaning toward a career in pediatric oncology.

February: Daisy Loane, CIT (Easton High) - Daisy is in the Nursing program at CIT and working as a Co-op student at the Easton YMCA. She participates in Skills USA and HOSA. She volunteers with the YMCA and with CIT. Daisy plans on going to St. Luke’s School of Nursing and to pursue a career as a pediatric RN.

March: Aden Broome, Wilson High - Aden is President of the Student Council and the Engineering and Design Club. He participates in Drama and is the head of the Tech Crew. He is also Treasurer of the Table Top Gaming Club.


Weekly Meeting

First Thursday: 5:30 PM

Location: Varies each month

Other Thursdays: 12:00 Noon
Please check the schedule above for the location.

It will either be on Zoom or in person at

The Pomfret Club
33 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042

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